RIVALS 2.2.0 Patch Notes

We released RIVALS 2.2.0!


The focus of this release was to make your team’s competitions more exciting, rewarding and less confusing. Therefore we improved the league system and added tournaments as an additional way to play.

And of course we hunted bugs!

New League

A lot of players have rightfully complained about bugs and usability issues with the League system. Apart from the obvious bugs with counting wins, sorting the league list, and missing rewards, we also found that it is just not very engaging to have League Playoffs only once per month, and that the one-month schedule created way too many gap days without League matches that were confusing for new players.

That's why we decided to completely rewrite our League system for this release, with smaller leagues (12 players instead of 24), a shorter League cycle (two weeks instead of one month) and higher incentives to score a high placement in the group phase:

New League Structure:

A season lasts 13 days, always starting on a Tuesday and ending on the Sunday of the following week

Each season starts with a group phase, which has 12 teams.

Each team fights each other team of the group phase once. Your team will have one of these matches every day at 8pm.

Afterwards, in the last 2 days of the season, there are the playoffs, where the top 8 teams fight to be Nr.1.

The top two teams of the group phase go directly to the semi-finals.

The 3rd and 4th placed teams go directly to the quarter-finals.

The playoffs are fought out in 2 matches per day at 7pm and 8pm.

Additional Changes:

The league properly rewards you with Fame and Rival Tokens at the end of the season.

You will see in advance which position will give you a promotion or demotion in league level.

The different league levels have proper names and badges.

Each team with fame level 4 or higher joins the league seasons automatically.

We also fixed the display issues in the fixtures and league table.


We also wanted to provide you with a way to play more than one meaningful match per day. We didn't want to increase the number of League matches, because we don't want to force them on you, but we still wanted a high-stakes, exciting, opt-in system for players who want to challenge themselves more. That's why we're adding Tournaments with this release:

Tournaments are a high-risk, high-reward way of play that you can opt into when it suits you.

Tournaments run in single elimination rounds, starting with 16 teams. The further you get, the better the rewards.

You can sign up your team and follow your tournaments via the MATCH menu

To sign up, you’ll need tickets - You’ll get tickets from your daily login bonus, as well as possible Scrim Match rewards

Only teams that signed up take part in a tournament, so get ready to encounter active players that will do their best to outsmart your tactics.

Matchmaking will ensure that the 16 teams have similar team power

Tournaments are very fast-paced: Matches happen every 10 minutes, so you have to be quick if you want to train your players or update your tactics setup between rounds.

You can setup your team for tournaments as usual via the SETUP menu (formerly LEAGUE SETUP)

New Tournaments start every two hours

Tournaments unlock with fame level 8

Updated UI

We changed the top bar and rearranged menu buttons, to make the new features more accessible:

The league level is now more prominent in the center of the top bar

The settings are now moved to MANAGE

STANDINGS was removed from MANAGE and was separated into the new LEAGUE and FIXTURES screens (see below)

MATCH has now several new menu buttons:

TOURNAMENTS – where you can sign up for and follow tournaments

LEAGUE – where you can see your current standings

FIXTURES – where you can see your past and upcoming league matches

LEAGUE SETUP was renamed into SETUP (see above)


In addition, we hunted quite some bugs. We especially addressed timing issues which made the app crash or inaccessible.

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